The secret world of the animated characters Wiki

Pais de Animation is the kingdom, where all animated characters live. There are only four towns in this kingdom-El Filmjefo, Movietown, Antagonistan and Filmville. The word "pais" in Spanish means "country" and the name of the kingdom translates as "country of animation"


The kingdom is ruled by three queens and two kings:

- the queen of El Filmjefo

- queen Elinor and king Fergus

- queen Tara

- The Horned king


Animated characters use gems and jewels as their money.


Every town has a big army with a captain. These armies' job is to protect the kingdom from villains.

Laws and rules

Pais de Animation has many rules. Here are few of them:

- Stay away from real humans!

- Every villain and criminal will be punished with imprisonment.

- On Halloween, monsters don't need to wear costumes.

- Killing or hurting real animals is strictly forbidden.

- It is strictly forbidden for a positive character and a negative character to have a romantic relationship with each other.

- All animated characters, no matter which country they come from, must emmigrate to the USA, in order to live in Pais de Animation.

- The only way in which an antagonist would be allowed to live in a town of positive characters (in other words, every town, except Antagonistan) must get a permission from the ruler(s)!


Except the armies, Pais de Animation has another protection. In every town, there is one gem, which is forming a forcefield around the town and protects it from being seen by humans.
