The secret world of the animated characters Wiki

Toffee is a recurring antagonist. He is voiced by Michael C. Hall.

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About the character

Characteristics: tall, slender, turquoise skin, yellow eyes, muscular, black hair, white shirt, red necktie, black suit, black shoes, missing finger, handsome, evil, intelligent, patient, calm, stoic, a little arrogant, unpredictable at times, often amiable, honest, honorable, posh

Real age: 2 real years

Nationality: American

Religion: Christian

Species: Monster

Race: Traditionally-animated

Subrace: Antagonist

Fun facts: Other cartoons often find his name to be hilarious. He also has a habbit of caressing various animals.

Comes from: Star vs the forces of evil

Relationships: He is pretty respected by the king and other villains, despite his age. Usually Toffee is acting polite towards both his allies and his enemies, but he also shows lack of empathy. Toffee has an interesting impact on the civilians- he is hated like the rest of the villians, but also a little liked, because of his personality.
